Winsor Cove Terms and Conditions

Winsor Cove Camping and Recreation in Haworth Park is privately owned. Winsor Cove is

hereby referred to as the Campground.

All visitors to the grounds accept camping privileges with the understanding that he/she/they does hereby release the Campground, its ocers and employees, of all liability for loss or damage to property and injury to his person arising out of his use of its camping facilities, and agrees to indemnify the Campground, its officers and employees, against claims resulting from loss or damage to property or injury arising out of the use of its camping facilities. All visitors are responsible for all guests, children, and pets brought into the Campground and the actions of aforementioned guests, children, and pets.

Winsor Cove is not responsible for loss or damage, theft, acts of nature, actions of other campers, or any other cause beyond our control. By choosing to camp at Winsor Cove, visitors understand the inherent risks of the outdoors.

Failure to follow terms set forth by the Campground, Winsor Cove may result in legal action.